BT Tech Blog

Friday, February 18, 2011

Frog Legs

                                                                  This is degrading to frogs.

       Some people think that frog legs are a delicacy.  Let me be clear;  Eating frogs is not ok.  The population of these marvelous creatures is dwindling.  Every year, the French nibble away at 4,000 tonnes of frogs' legs.  However,  that's nothing compared with the vast number being eaten in Asia, South America and even the US.  Its a fact;  frogs are the coolest animals ever. Why are we pushing them to extinction?  I would like you to take a moment to think.  Think about the frogs your murdering.  Would you want somebody eating your legs after they brutally kill you? I think not.  While the French still consume 70 tonnes of domestically gathered legs each year, they have been shipping in as many as 4,000 tonnes annually since 1995. However, Indonesia is the world's largest exporter of frogs by far, shipping more than 5,000 tonnes each year.  People say frogs taste like a cross between fish and chicken. In fact, they taste of frog.  In other words,they taste only of what the chef sprinkles on them.  Why bother eating something that has barely any taste?  Believe it or not, frogs are on the brink of extinction.  Frogs have lost an estimated 170 species in the last 10 years alone, with another 1,900 in a threatened state.   This is one step below the endangered designation (meaning extinction is imminent). 

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